Collectanea Mathematica: Distinguished paper 2023

The paper «Blow-up algebras of secant varieties of rational normal scrolls» coauthored by Professors Kuei-Nuan Lin and Yi-Huang Shen has obtained the award (distinguished paper) corresponding to the calendar year 2023.

The committee has praised the paper as follows:

The awarded paper describes the defining equations of the Rees algebra and fiber cone of the determinantal ideals arising from the secant varieties of rational normal scrolls. Furthermore, it establishes the singularities of these algebras and determines the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of the fiber cone.
These results are achieved using the theory of SAGBI bases, reinforcing their importance in the commutative algebra community, combined with homological techniques and combinatorial tools, such as Alexander duality.

The committee commends the authors for providing a deep and precise analysis of all the cases involved.


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