Collectanea Mathematica distinguished paper award 2021

Distinguished Paper Award – Collectanea Mathematica 2021

  • Requirements: All papers published in Collectanea Mathematica in the year 2021 (i.e. those which appear in volume 72, issues 1, 2 and 3) are eligible.
  • Award: The authors of the selected paper will receive 3,000 plus a diploma certifying the distinction. If the paper has several authors, the award will be divided evenly among all the authors.
  • Selection Committee: The committee will be composed by the current members of Collectanea Mathematica’s editorial board plus two external academic faculty.
  • Calendar: The external members of the committee will be selected by June 2022 and the award will be announced in September 2022.
  • Ceremony: The award is expected to be delivered during the Open of the Calendar year 2022-2023 of the School of Mathematics at the University of Barcelona. If extra funding is available, one of the authors may be invited to receive the award and give a colloquium at the Math Institute of the University of Barcelona (IMUB) at this event or later.